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- Path: news.demon.co.uk!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: attila1@ix.netcom.com(Libertarius)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,talk.religion.misc
- Subject: Re: Navajo Deities Reportedly Seen
- Date: 10 Jun 1996 06:01:50 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 47
- Message-ID: <4pgdoe$903@sjx-ixn4.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4otcds$lgf@news2.cts.com> <4ov9ed$glt@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com> <31B6FB0D.396C@inlink.com> <01bb5682.fe1be9c0$9e2d0dce@humboldt1.com.humboldt1.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: alb-nm1-07.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Sun Jun 09 11:01:50 PM PDT 1996
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:86285 alt.paranet.ufo:52328 alt.alien.research:25152 talk.religion.misc:76129
- In <01bb5682.fe1be9c0$9e2d0dce@humboldt1.com.humboldt1.com> "Angel
- Winges" <kitten@humboldt1.com> writes:
- >
- >
- > A hallucinogenic experience which spawned
- >> Christianity, a pagan religion which had virtually nothing to do
- with
- >> the beliefs of Christ's followers, who were zealous Jews.
- >>
- >> John
- >
- >John...
- > Excuse me, but I need to correct you on something. The Christian
- sect of
- >Judaism was not Pagan (notice capital P, please). It was a Hebrew
- sect.
- >You are absolutely correct though when you say that it had absolutely
- >nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus. Unfortunately, Paul was
- >excommunicated from the Christian Sect by Jesus's brother Thomas, and
- went
- >on to preach to the Gentiles and found the religion later known as
- >"Christianity", when in fact is is actually "Paulism". I wish more
- >Christians would read early church history!
- > A biblical scholor and Pagan High Priestess....
- > Lady Angel Winges, H.Ps.
- >>
- >> If Paul was excommunicated, which is very likely, it was by James,
- not Judas The Twin. Why "unfortunately"?
- The expression "Christian sect of Judaism" is meaningless, although
- many scholars even use the term "Jewish Christians". As you point out,
- "Chriostianity" was a religion invented by Paul and his GENTILE
- followers, based on the concept of an incarnate divine being Christos,
- who became the Savior God, similar to other savior gods of the time,
- only Jewish in origin and somehow, in a very loose way, related to a
- historic person called Jesus.
- With the destruction of Jerusalem, that "Jerusalem Church" or,
- better, Jewish Messianic Community, was diminished in significance and
- continued only as a "heretical" sect despised by the official Gentile
- Church as "Judaizers". They continued to call themselves by the same
- name, EBIONIM or "Ebionites" in English, meaning "The Poor". All of
- Jesus' references quoted regarding "the poor" refer to this sect.
- Which is, of course, denied by the established Church authorities but
- there is enough historical evidence that this was the case.
- Libertarius